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Your name and surname:
Your date of birth:
Your contact email (just for us):
Your Skype (just for us):
Your telephone (just for us):
Your current residence (city & country):
City and country of your birth:
Which one of the languages do you want to learn right now?
Russian or Ukrainian
The desired level to achieve:
A1 (Elementary)
A1-A2 (Upper Elementary)
A2-B1 (Beginner Intermediate)
B1-B2 (Upper Intermediate)
B2 (Advanced)
B2-C1 (Master)
What is the reason for you to learn the language(s). What is (or are) your goal(s)? This is a very important field! Your clear goals will be the ones to inspire you all through the learning process and help you reach better results eventually!
How did you find out about Langlandia?
Have you read and do you agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy of Langlandia?
Yes, I did read the Terms and the Policy! Yes, I do agree to them!
I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored for Langlandia use purposes only