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Here are some frequently asked questions.
How fast can I learn the language?
The First level course, for beginners, is 20 lessons which take from 1 to 3 months. It may take longer if your classes are 1 time a week. Level Two, which is growing your language to be Intermediate take more time, 3-6 months depending on how much time you invest into your language. In order to be fluent, you might spend as minimum 1-2 years. And then… As they say, LIVE AND LEARN. Being a \’language bearer\’ is a style of life!
What languages can I learn with you?
At the moment I teach the languages I have created special programs for. In the future we may be working with more languages as we grow! I teach in Russian, Ukrainian, English, Italian, French and Spanish. The languages I offer to learn are: English, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian. I do not teach German at the moment but I have great teachers for you that work with me!
You can learn more about our course here: COURSES or contact me and let me know what your aims are. Depending on your requirements I plan the System for private classes to go with.
I can learn online or just via private lessons?
There are many lessons that are already available for the learning online using the sites (we have two sites, one is this one and the other one is for Russian speaking people who learn Italian). Online classes are available after you sign in.
In order to schedule the private class, please, contact me personally via Skype or e-mail.
What is your system?
I teach speaking and being grammatically professional and sound authentic. Of course, grammar takes time and no one succeeds without making mistakes! Nevertheless, I give my students the solid fundamental knowledge that I talk about a lot in my books, for the foundation which paves the way for your future fluent an QUALITY language is KEY! \”No good foundation, no good house!\” That\’s actually the secret… Please, learn more about THE FOUNDATION of the languase before you begin your study jeorney! I give this information FOR FREE! You would have to register though (for free too). Free does not mean useless or worthless! Sometimes FREE means PRICELESS!
If your language is, what I call, STENTATO or broken, with lots of mistaken and you have the language barrier, some fears of speaking, feeling inconfident or simply escaping to talk – that is the symptoms of the unquality foundation! And there is nothing one can do but fix the basics. This is exactly what I do! I write books to lay the great foundations for your future fluency in the languages and fix people\’s existing knowledge whatever it takes… Very importantly, not only I teach the languages, but I also teach how to learn them and be effective!! My students become professional LEARNERS. You can see me as a mother-bird teaching you how to fly and then letting you to set off for your own new and exciting journey… I\’m always there for my student friends at any situation with any question you have! Be free to ask me!
Do you teach via Skype?
Yes, of course! We can use other programs like Viber or Messenger. Yet, Skype is better for it offers the automatical call recording which I find very useful. One can go over the past lessons as many times as needed in order to penetrate all of the material. Repetition is another KEY to successful learning!
Appart from Skype I also make individual video lessons for my students. You can learn more about it and watch some when you signed in.
Can I actually learn a language for FREE?
Of course, you can! Learning a languge is not a big issue today! There are so many FREE lessons on YouTube, anything you need is out there! You need a guide (or a teacher) if you yet do not know how to do what you want to do PROPERLY, fast and preferable easier thatn you weould by yourself.
It takes more time and effort to learn by yourself because you do not know the STEPS you need to take… If you begin to learn hasardly, you might create a NON-QUALITY foundation which becomes a problem when you wish to speak properly. FOUNDATION is the most important thing in learning the languages.
It\’s better to have a teacher to SHOW YOU IN, to create the FOUNDATION together, to INTRODUCE you to the language properly and that will not cost much! Afterwards, when you have created the steady basic knowledge, you may learn the language all by yourself and be very successful in that!
I do recommend a teacher at the START. Wrong foundation – wrong (or no) speaking.
How did you learn so many languages?
It took me some time! ))) And, of course, it took me some effort… Nothing comes easy but with the right actions it surely come EASIER! )) I did take the hardway learning mt forst three languages the OLD way… The way they teach at the Univercities, schools etc. But then over the years of teaching and learning more languages I found that every language has what me, and not only me, call the FOUNDATION. If you learn first the foundation, the basics, you pave the way for your future super language and, very importantly, for we all are very busy nowadays and have not much time to learn languages for we have kids, wives and husbands, work and LIFE to live which reqires our TIME and ATTENTION… We want to be efficient today! We would like, and we CAN, do the RIGHT thing, do it IN TIME and be VERY SUCCESSFUL! I teach how to do that and things that work best! And of course, I have the selected material that I work with to teach my students! ))))
Do you give group lessons?
I do under request… Yet, mostly I try to give the individual approach because it works better and you leanr faster… Everyone is a different and need the specific approach (that\’s why tutoring id important). Individual work is always more effective if you want to learn FAST and GOOD. Group classes take more time and require more work from students.
How can I try your classes?
You can sign in if you didn\’t do it so far and watch the classes we did. You may contact me directly through Skype (anastasiasi7) and we can talk about your needs and wishes and decide what course and system would be best for you…

Anastasiia Synenko

03148, Ukraine