Langlandia Director

The user roles:
Student (Subscriber): somebody who can only manage their profile
Is learning the languages and uses part of the material available and given by the Teacher.
Teacher (Contributor): somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them
A beginner-manager. Knows and studies all of the study materials that there are concerning the language(s) involved. Is only beginning to create the lessons, write different material and put them online. Is being checked and followed by the manager.
The programs to learn are those to create the lessons ((1) Adobe Photoshop 16, (2) Adobe Fireworks 16, (3) Vegas Pro 13, (4) Camtasia 9) and basic (5) Themify user working with the templated filed. Has to be learning the general use of (6) the WP site system.
Manager (Author): somebody who can publish and manage their own posts
Head Manager (Editor): somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users
Director (Administrator): somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site